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佘山新添世锦赛雕塑永作纪念 New Permanent WGC-HSBC Globe at Sheshan

  Organizing the HSBC Championships since 2005, the international event has seen many milestones, from being elevated to World Golf Championship status in 2009, being both an official European Tour and US PGA Tour event in 2013, and seeing the participation of many international golf players, like Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson and Rory Mcilroy.
  为了感谢佘山高尔夫俱乐部十几年来对此项赛事成功举办的贡献,因此特别打造一座世锦赛球型雕塑献给俱乐部,永作纪念。国家体育总局小球运动管理中心主任王立伟、鹿鸣谷集团董事长张幼才先生、美巡赛副主席杰·莫纳汉、 汇丰集团全球赞助及项目总监莫嘉乐先生和IMG高尔夫球部总监金宁楷一起为这座雕塑剪彩揭幕。除了表彰俱乐部的贡献之外,这座雕塑也代表了俱乐部与各方的紧密合作,以及继续在未来对这个亚洲最大赛事的支持。
  Recognizing Sheshan Golf Club’s contribution to the event’s success over the years, a new permanent WGC-HSBC Globe will be placed in the club. Mr Wang Liwei, Mr Richard Cheung, Mr Jay Monahan, Mr Giles Morgan and Mr Guy Kinnings were there to grace the ceremony. Signifying the club’s contribution and unending support to theevent over the years, the globe also reflects the club’s partnership and support Asia’s biggest tournament in the upcoming years ahead.
  Sheshan Golf Club will like to take this opportunity to thank all members, guests and staff for their relentless support to the club over these past few years, and for helping make this event a success.
更新时间:2016-10-31 8:31:54